Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Montgomery DINK Scene

Montgomery is a quaint little big town. A lot like Mayberry, everybody knows everybody. But bigger in geographical scope. We DINKs sometimes have a hard time finding things to do in Montgomery. Most social activities seem to revolve around one extreme or the other. Either people are out on the dating scene, or their attending a youth sporting event. If your scene isn't about getting laid, or dealing with the consequences of having gotten laid, well, your options are kinda slim. Fortunately, us DINKs fit in better with the former rather than the latter, and they are a lot more fun. Check this blog for news of our latest DINK activities. We'll try to keep it humorous and informative, but I'm sure we'll get into a rant from time to time, as we deal with the family atmosphere so ubiquitous in our town. I know my wife will have some comments in that area, so look for rinkydink's posts to be inflammatory occasionally!


Anonymous said...

Dear King Daddy DINK,

Why do you call yourself Daddy if you don't have any children?

I enjoy your DINK column and hope to see a reply posted.


King Daddy DINK said...

An excellent question. The answer is two fold. First, the mundane...

big daddy or Big Daddy (King Daddy being a variant)
n. Slang
1. One that is predominant, as in size, influence, or priority: “The big daddy of them all has always been the Frankfurt Fair” (Saturday Review).
2. One that exercises a paternalistic authority or control.

And secondly, it is in homage to a very good friend of mine, who has been given the name "King Daddy Geek" because of his thorough knowledge of computers and software. This friend is also the one who most frequently labels me "Dink" (he's jealous, as he has 4 kids himself.)

So you see, it is a public recognition of my friend, while being a self congratulatory personal honorific, and classically ironic at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Dear King Daddy DINK,
An intertaining and honest reply.
Your name also has a distinctly New Orleans ring to it.

King Daddy DINK said...

You know, I never thought of it, but it does sort of bring out thoughts of "The Big Easy."


Anonymous said...

I only just found your blog...and I see it hasn't updated in several months. My husband and I are DINKs, too...and we're always looking for DINK actvities to try.

BTW, he's opening a new wine store in Zelda place with Ted, the guy who used to run Dirk's Filet and Vine. I see you're into wine, so stop by.


King Daddy DINK said...


I just might do that. Maybe I'll get some time to post to this blog again soon too.