Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The reason why DINKS don't Blog so well...

Well, it's been 6+ months and I am just now posting to this blog again. I guess the DINK lifestyle isn't conducive to sitting around and putting little pieces of my mind and life on the web. Since the last post, I've pretty much been besotted with Christmas, New Years, Charity Fundraisers, and the general mayem of being a middle aged professional with no children. Anyhow, I thought I'd share a discovery I made today with everybody, because it seems like the thing to do. There is a website called fitday.com that you can start a free online dieting and health journal. The site helps you track your calorie, fat, carbs and protein intake, and lets you set goals for yourself, and create reports for your progress. I guess I can see how well I keep up with entering my activities there. I hope I'm more successful at that then I am at blogging!

I don't know why you would be, but if your interested, you can see my fitday journal here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice article. Thank you for this info